Thirichikadi, THE NILGIRIS ,TAMIL NADU - 643002
About type of art
The customs, rituals and festivals of any community including the tribes reflect their lifes styles. Dances are part of the culture and the understanding of the different types of dances the musical instruments, the method of their dances gives the meaning of their traditions. They dance usually during their festivals only in a systematic sequencing of events. Their annual festival included Aynor and Amnor, Ploughing, sowing, harvesting ceremonies and All souls day in memory of the departed souls of the settlements. Besides this, annual traditional festivals include Mariamman festival, dances are performed during this festival also. The dancing ground in each village is located in between the two keries-street in a central place, with a plateau of green pastorage. The extensive area serve as an arena for both spectators and the performers. During the festival males and females dance during the nights separately aroung the campfire set in the middle of the dancing ground. The dances performed during the day time is open to outside spectators. Kotas dance themselves and for their own community than outside spectators.The dancers dance in a circle in which the internal circle consist of the players of musical instruments the outer circle is meant for the dancers.The Dances are performed by the males first and ladies latter.When the males perform the dance the ladies and the community are the spectators and vice versa.The whole set up is a panoramic view of the mother nature and its off-springs.