जनजातीय कार्य मंत्रालय
Ministry of Tribal Affairs

Event Details

Event Name
Audio and Video Documentation of Tribal Dances Kommu Koya and Chenchata
Event Date
04/09/2023 ( 2021-2022 )

About type of art
The Kommu Koya Dance, performed by the Koya tribe in scheduled areas of ASR and Eluru districts, is one of the most beautiful dances among tribal dances in Andhra Pradesh state. Dance variants symbolize the unity of the tribal community. They represent their cultural heritage. Despite rapid changes in their social milieu, it is indisputable that the tribals have not forsaken their traditions and craftsmanship.The total number of performers in the Kommu Koya dance is not less than 24, generally, an equal number of men and women join the dance, whereas at community fairs and functions, there is no limit on the number of members who can join in the dance. In the Koya community, they perform the Rela Kommu Koya dance during the celebrations of community fairs and festivals, Jatharas, the reaping of the new crops it is celebrated at the end of December every year for eating new crop. The main significance of this festival is that the tribal members offer their new harvest of red gram to their village deity before they eat, marriage and puberty rituals, and any other functions.

DANCE ( FOLK ) / Group
No of Participant